The mind of architecture
In History,

Ritual Centers | Navigating Ancient Ritual Centers: Insights into Prehistoric Societies and Urbanization

Plan: nabta Playa, EgyptIn the transition to agropastoral lifestyles, human behaviors and perspectives underwent significant shifts compared to their First Society predecessors. This era demanded the clearing of forests, gathering of clay for pottery, establishment of granaries, tending to animals, and processing wool into cloth. Former food plants were now viewed as weeds requiring removal from gardens and farmlands. Prioritization became crucial, children...

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In History,

Exploring Ancient Hunter Gatherer Societies 25,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE | Ice Age Survival

 "During the Ice Age, spanning approximately from 25,000 BCE to 15,000 BCE, humans encountered unprecedented global challenges. The frigid conditions, pushing immense ice sheets southward from the polar regions, notably affected Europe. However, contrary to leaving, inhabitants stayed, drawn by the emergence of prime hunting grounds. These regions became abundant with wildlife such as bears, lions, and vast herds of horses, reindeer, and...

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In History,

Around 10,000 BCE

 Around 10,000 BCE, pivotal shifts began reshaping ancient traditions that had long sustained human societies. Instead of solely relying on hunting and gathering, humans started herding animals and cultivating selected plants in organized fields, heralding the dawn of agriculture.This transformative period brought about profound changes in the spiritual perceptions of animals, particularly cattle, which were revered as living deities. Among the Dinka in...

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In History,

3500 BCE - Unveiling the Timeless Wisdom of the !Kung People

The !Kung People: A Glimpse into Ancient Survival StrategiesFor millennia, humanity sustained itself through hunting, gathering, and fishing. Reflecting from our modern vantage point, it's astonishing to contemplate how our ancestors thrived amidst such challenges. Initially labeled as savages or barbarians, and later referred to as primitives, we now recognize them as hunter-gatherers, though this term oversimplifies their way of life. Take, for...

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In Architecture styles,

Exploring the Whimsical World of Rococo Architecture: A Guide to Identifying the Key Characteristics

 Rococo architecture is a style that emerged in France during the early 18th century. It's known for its elaborate decorations, pastel colors, and playful and whimsical designs. If you're interested in this style, there are several key characteristics to look for when identifying a Rococo building.First, pay attention to the ornamental details of the building. Rococo buildings are famous for their intricate designs,...

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In basics, Concepts

How Our Minds Recognize Patterns: Understanding Edges, Contours, and Tone

"The School of Athens" by Raffaello Sanzio da UrbinoHave you ever looked at a two-dimensional image and perceived it as three-dimensional? The reason for our remarkable ability to recognize patterns lies in the innate wiring of our minds, which adeptly processes visual information through edges and contours. Consider, for example, the intriguing Kanizsa Triangle, an optical illusion cleverly constructed with line segments and circular...

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In Contemporary,

Church of Sainte-Bernadette du Banlay Nevers, France

   Within the confines of this quaint church lies a captivating design - a grotto-inspired nave positioned above a ground floor housing classrooms and support rooms. From the exterior, it appears as a solid, cast-in-place, board-formed concrete monolith. However, a closer examination reveals its true nature - an ingenious composition of two thin concrete shells enveloping thirteen parallel structural frames. This suspended sanctuary extends...

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