August 2015 - The mind of architecture
In arches, basics

Architecture Basics : Arches

An arch : is a two-dimensional curved beam construction for supporting loads between two points of support over an opening; traditional masonry arches were constructed from wedge-shaped stones locked together by loading from above.-Dictionary of Architecture and Building Construction (2008) An arch : is a pure compression form. It can span a large area by resolving forces into compressive stresses and, in turn...

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In basics, Concepts

What is : Transparency ?

Foundation Cartier ©Alain Alele/Flickr Glass House by NAF Architect and Design Physical transparency is an idea made simply possible by making large sheets of plate glass a prominent feature of the building, it is in essence a defining feature of modern architecture. Transparency is a medium to open up closed spaces to Light and air.  Transparency however as stated by an essay by Rowe...

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