2017 - The mind of architecture
In basics, Elements

What is a Module ?

Module Basic Definition : A repetition of a standard unit of space and form. The Ancient Greeks :  Adopted the modular concept in their architecture systems proportioning the Classical Orders, the chosen module was half the diameter of the column measured at its base, divided into 30 equal parts. (as mentioned in the 10 books of architecture). The roman architect Vitruvius advised the within...

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In basics, Concepts

What is Ideal ?

Aldo Rossi | Illustration  Aldo Rossi | Teatro del Mondo  Le Corbusier : "He argued that by following the Engineer's Aesthetic the architect could achieve a platonic grandeur that would resonate on a sounding-board possessed by everyone. This was inspired by the law economy of economy and governed mathematical calculation based on the universal aesthetic of the machine age." The Idealist view was...

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In basics, Concepts

What is : Humanism ?

1_Piero della Francesca - Flagellation of Christ (c.1455-60) Showcasing a Pictorial space using perspective.   Buildings built around the proportions of the human figure.  Mid-fifteenth century - General curriculum (studia humanitatis) - New world view   Renaissance humanism was the value of the individual. 2 _ 16th century portrait of Giovanni Pico della Mirandola. Pico della Mirandola | Seminal Thesis (An Oration on...

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