2016 - The mind of architecture
In basics, Concepts

What is Ornament ?

John Lewis department store in Leicester, UK Foreign Office Architects Ornament disguised as a pictogram and making the best possible use of modern technology is making a comeback and is no longer a crime.  Definition :  Two- or three-dimensional decoration, sculpture, carving etc. for the surfaces or spaces of a building or other object. The need for ornament appears to be a universal one. an...

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In basics, Elements

Architecture Basics : Foundations

Definitions | Foundations, Pile, Retaining wall Foundation  A subterranean structure designed to transmit the structural loading of a building to the underlying ground. Formation, subgrade, subsoil, ground; the bearing layer of soil or rock below the substructure of a building or other construction. Parts of the Foundation  Pile In foundation technology, any vertical structural member of concrete, steel or timber used in series...

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In basics, Concepts

What is Form ?

Etienne-Louis Boullée | Cenotaph for Newton Difference between definitions in English and German : Principles of Gestalt  English : Ambiguous meaning, it can mean shape and idea or essence.  German : (Gestalt : an organized whole that is perceived as more than the sum of its parts.) censorial perception, the form as the idea of something.  * Read more abut the principles of Gestalt...

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In basics, Domes

Architecture Basics : Domes

Definition of a Dome:  A hollow, flattened or raised hemispherical roof structure, often of masonry, which rests on a circular, square or polygonal base, it can be supported by columns or piers that transition to the dome through squinches or pendentives. TYPES OF DOMES | MASONRY DOMES : 1. umbrella dome, melon dome pumpkin dome, parachute dome 2. cloister vault, domical vault 3....

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In basics, Elements

Architecture Basics : Vaults

Definition of a Vault : a three-dimensional arched ceiling construction to support a floor or roof, often of masonry. Wikipedia : Vault (French voûte, from Italian volta) is an architectural term for an arched form used to provide a space with a ceiling or roof. The parts of a vault exert lateral thrust that requires a counter resistance. When vaults are built underground,...

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