Architecture Basics : Foundations - The mind of architecture

Architecture Basics : Foundations

11:02 AM

Definitions | Foundations, Pile, Retaining wall


  1. A subterranean structure designed to transmit the structural loading of a building to the underlying ground.
  2. Formation, subgrade, subsoil, ground; the bearing layer of soil or rock below the substructure of a building or other construction.

Parts of the Foundation 

In foundation technology, any vertical structural member of concrete, steel or timber used in series as a foundation on types of soil with poor or uneven bearing capacity; they transmit building loads deep into the ground or to bedrock, or function as earth retaining structures; vertically loaded piles are generally called bearing or foundation piles.

Types of Concrete Piles: 
Driven pile, precast pile
Batter pile, raking pile, inclined pile
Underreamed pile, belled pile, pedestal pile, enlarged base pile
End-bearing pile, point-bearing pile
Friction pile, cohesion pile
Cast-in-place pile, in-situ pile, bored pile
Pile casing
Augered pile, bored pile

Types of Concrete Piles 1 
Types of Concrete Piles 2 

Types of Steel and Timber piles: 
Box pile
Pipe pile, tubular pile –augered steel pile
Timber pile, wooden pile
Steel and Timber piles 
Retaining wall
A structural wall designed to withstand lateral forces from the abutting ground or a body of water on one side of it.

Types of Spread Foundations: 
Shallow foundation
Deep foundation
Strip foundation
Widestrip foundation
Trench-fill foundation
Pad foundation, column or isolated footing
Raft foundation
Bedrock foundation
Log grillage, log crib

Types of Retaining Walls:
Gravity wall
Cantilever wall
Counterfort wall
Cribbing, cribwork
Gabion wall
Anchored retaining wall; ground anchor, rock anchor
Anchored retaining wall;piled anchorage, anchor pile
Sheet piling, trench sheeting

Types of Foundations 

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