February 2022 - The mind of architecture
In Contemporary,

Museum of Image and Sound Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

   Architect: Diller Scofidio + RenfroLocation :  Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Date: Suspended in 2016 Building Type : MuseumConstruction System: reinforced concreteClimate: temperateContext: UrbanStyle: ModernNotes:The project first took shape in 2014 but was completely suspended in 2016. Although the project has been untouched since then, a recent announcement by Governor Cláudio Castro promised the revival of construction works at the museum, with an expected public opening in early 2023. Located...

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In Contemporary,

Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision Hilversum, the Netherlands

 Architect: Le CorbusierLocation : Hilversum, the NetherlandsDate : 2006 Building Type :Museums / Music schools/Music academiesConstruction System: Glass and reinforced concreteClimate: temperateContext: UrbanStyle: ModernNotes: Light travels from the skylight and the stained-glass facades down through the atrium into the slate-clad archive.This rectilinear volume contains a research institute and national archives for Dutch television and radio. Limited to a height of 82 ft (25 m) above ground, the building...

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In Contemporary,

Prada Aoyama Tokyo, Japan

 Architect: Herzog & de MeuronLocation : Tokyo, JapanDate:2000 Building Type : RetailConstruction System: Steel and Glass Climate: temperateContext: UrbanStyle: ModernNotes: Within the diagonal frame, convex, concave, and flat glass pillows provide a consistently varied texture to the building envelope.The Prada flagship store in Tokyo combines an overall figural shape with inset stacked floors and nested tubes to create a steel and glass shopping icon. A structural exoskeleton made from...

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In Contemporary,

Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library New Haven, Connecticut, USA

 Architect: Gordon BunshaftLocation : New Haven, ConnecticutDate:1963Building Type :Rare Book & Manuscript LibraryConstruction System: Marble, Steel and precast concrete. Climate: temperateContext: urban campusStyle: ModernNotes:at Yale University. light enters interior through thin marble.The rare book and manuscript library at Yale University demonstrates the capa- city of inset nesting to modulate light and climate through a multilayered con- struction. The outer box is composed of four steel Vierendeel truss...

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In basics,

Architecture Language : What is (Context)?

Luiz Zerbini Happiness Beyond Paradise, 2020Context is an important idea in post-modernist design, and the machine metaphor denies this significance. An engine is an engine is an engine, and it always works the same way no matter where it is. —Stephen Friedman Architecture is an extension; a modification establishing absolute meanings relative to a place. —Steven Holl In its widest sense, the term context refers to...

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In basics,

Architecture Language : What is (Deconstructed space)?

In the history of space we have now arrived at deconstructed space as the leading edge spatial paradigm of the moment. To arrive there we have travelled from the spherical, static, geocentric and limited space of the ancient and medieval world, through the constructed perspective space of the Renaissance, and more recently the relativistic space/time of the modern era. Deconstructed space is not space...

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In basics,

Architecture Language : What is (Defensible space)?

 Oscar-newman-underground-city-7Defensible space A ‘defensible space’ is a living residential environment which can be employed by inhabitants for the enhancement of their lives, while providing security for their families, neighbors, and friends. —Oscar Newman Coined by the architect and urban planner Oscar Newman in 1972 in his influential book Defensible Space: Crime Prevention Through Urban Design (1972), the concept of defensible space stems from his...

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In basics,

Architecture Language : What is (Design genesis)?

 https://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/le-corbusier/untitled-1932.jpgWhat give our dreams their dreaming is that they can be achieved. —Le Corbusier Design genesis refers to the birth of an idea. This takes place in the mind’s eye when our creative imagination triggers a concept that is imagined (‘seen’) as flashing, dimensionless images; images formed from a creative Leap into the potential solution.These mental images can result from, or be subject to,...

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